• Keep Pets Safe During The Dog Days Of Summer

    There are some potential risks to your pet that seem to lurk primarily during the warmest months of the year. These are issues that owners should pay attention to and be wary of. Keep your pet safe with an awareness of seasonal hazards that could impact your dog's health and well-being. Some hot-weather hazards for pet-owners to heed include: Fleas and ticks. Check your pet regularly for signs of fleas or ticks, particularly during the warmer times of year. [Read More]

  • Three Causes Of Chronic Bad Breath In Dogs

    While you may think that it's normal for your dog's breath to smell bad, this is just a myth. Chronic bad breath can be a sign that your dog requires veterinary attention, so don't ignore it. Here are three possible causes of your dog's terrible breath. Poor Oral Hygiene If you never brushed your teeth, your mouth would smell pretty bad, and the same is true for your dog. Brushing helps to remove bits of food from your dog's teeth, and if this debris remains in place, it will break down and cause a bad odor. [Read More]

  • Three Diseases Sugar Gliders Can Spread And How To Protect Yourself

    Sugar gliders are popular exotic pets in the United States, but like other exotic species, they can spread diseases to their owners. Fortunately, you can take precautions to keep yourself safe from your new furry friend. Here are three diseases sugar gliders can spread and how to protect yourself. Salmonellosis Salmonellosis is caused by Salmonella bacteria. You can get salmonellosis from undercooked meats and contaminated produce, but you can also get it from your new sugar glider. [Read More]

  • How To Surrender An Animal

    Surrendering an animal is a controversial decision, particularly in light of all the uncontrolled pet breeding we have in this country.  Although no one believes that you should do so for convenience sake, there are times when giving up your beloved pet is necessary. You may be moving out of the country, going through an illness, or have financial difficulties. If you can no longer care for your pet, you do have options. [Read More]

  • Shine A Light On Your Dog's Pain

    Does your dog experience occasional discomfort when standing up? Does your dog's gait change after long walks or play sessions? Pain in dogs is often caused by arthritis, an inflammation of the joints that can get worse as pets age. Arthritis pain in dogs is sometimes treated with medication or even surgery, but there is another option that is becoming more popular. Ask your dog's veterinarian about the possibility of cold laser therapy in treating arthritis pain. [Read More]

  • Three Mistakes You Shouldn't Make When Brushing Your Dog's Teeth

    Dogs can develop dental problems, just like people can. Cavities, gum disease, tooth loss, and more can affect dogs with poor oral health, so it's important to brush your dog's teeth. However, not brushing properly can also lead to problems. Here are three mistakes you shouldn't make when you're brushing your dog's teeth. Using human toothpaste Brushing your dog's teeth with the same toothpaste that you use may seem like a frugal solution, but human toothpaste isn't a good choice for dogs. [Read More]

  • Four Foods That Your Dog Should Never Eat

    You probably already know that your dog shouldn't eat chocolate, but there are lots of other foods that can harm your dog, too. Here are four foods that you may not know that your dog shouldn't eat. Grapes Grapes are a healthy snack for people, so you may assume that your dog would enjoy them, too. Not so fast. Grapes are actually toxic to dogs, as are raisins. After eating grapes, some dogs develop kidney failure, which can be fatal. [Read More]

  • Important Ways to Prevent Emergency Trips to the Vet

    Have you recently gotten a new puppy or adult dog? Do you know what to do if your new furry friend is sick or injured? Although this is not something that people enjoy thinking about, most pets will be sick or injured at least once in their lives. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent at least some injuries. Before your dog becomes ill, here are some things that you can do as preventative measures. [Read More]

  • Four Ways To Keep Your Indoor Cat At A Healthy Weight

    If you have an indoor cat, they might have a more relaxing lifestyle than they would if they lived outside. The thing is, indoor cats have a longer lifespan without all of the potential dangers the outdoors can bring, but they might pack on the pounds. As a responsible pet owner, you need to ensure that your pet keeps slim, even if they enjoy an indoor lifestyle. Here are four ways that you can help your cat maintain a healthy weight as an indoor pet. [Read More]

  • Considering Bringing Home A Beagle Hound? Here Are A Few Things You Will Need To Know First

    Long droopy ears, kind faces, and friendly personalities—it is no wonder so many people go for beagle hounds when they are looking for a new pet. Even though these courageous dogs do make excellent companions and family dogs, they do have a few quirks that can be a bother for someone who is unfamiliar with the overall temperament of this breed. If you spot a beagle hound for sale and you are considering bringing home this little pooch as your own, there are a few things it will be helpful for you to know first. [Read More]