Keep Pets Safe During The Dog Days Of Summer

Posted on: 2 September 2016

There are some potential risks to your pet that seem to lurk primarily during the warmest months of the year. These are issues that owners should pay attention to and be wary of. Keep your pet safe with an awareness of seasonal hazards that could impact your dog's health and well-being.

Some hot-weather hazards for pet-owners to heed include:

Fleas and ticks. Check your pet regularly for signs of fleas or ticks, particularly during the warmer times of year. Use an effective and vet-endorsed flea preventative and make sure to also treat the surroundings: your linens, bedding, and entire home. Put your dog on some kind of tick protocol to prevent Lyme disease, which can cause renal failure and be fatal.

Heartworm. Schedule a heartworm test with your veterinarian and make sure your pet is on preventative medication. Heartworm is an illness that is painful and often fatal, and it is transmitted by mosquitoes that have bitten other animals with this disease.

Heat stroke. Don't take your dog out for activity immediately after eating; it is best to wait at least a half hour. Watch for signs that your pet has had too much time in the sun, such as excessive panting, discoloration of the gums, and irregular breathing. Get your dog someplace shady and offer small amounts of water while you contact your vet.

Vacations. Call ahead to ensure your hotel or lodging is pet-friendly before taking your dog along on vacation. Secure your pet in the vehicle to prevent them from getting lost or run over when you stop for a break. Make sure your dog's leash and collar are in good condition and are secure at all times when traveling.

Vehicles. It warrants repeating that you should never leave your dog in your car. The temperature can soar in a matter of minutes, dehydrating your pet and potentially killing them. Also, when working on your vehicle, keep lethal contaminants such as antifreeze out of reach and do not allow them to drink from random puddles on the ground.

Sunburn. Dogs can get sunburn, too. Keep them out of direct sunlight on hot days, and protect the pads of their feet when walking during the summer. Try to walk the dogs in grass and avoid hot asphalt whenever possible. You may also consider using some sort of protection on their paw-pads, such as booties.

Don't hesitate to contact your veterinarian if you feel your pet is at risk from these summer hazards. Failure to use prevention against things like ticks, heartworm, dehydration, and sunburn can result in serious injury to your four-legged family member. For more information, contact Veterinary Emergency Services Of Lincoln or a similar location.
