Adopting A Dog? Make It Easier With These Seven Strategies For A Successful Transition

Posted on: 3 August 2016

Adopting a dog is a wonderful experience, although it might not always be a smooth transition. There are some ways to ensure that your new four-legged family member settles in nicely with the family's schedule. These tips can also help nip behavioral issues in the bud before they wreak havoc in the home:

Adopt a schedule. Dogs will adapt to your schedule and a routine when you are consistent. The more regular you are about feeding, walking, and sleeping times, the better the dog will transition to your home.

Use discipline. Spoil your new pet with lots of love and attention, but be sure to temper this with some discipline to prevent problematic behaviors that you may regret later on. Never punish an animal, but rather use positive reinforcement and 'time-out' in their crate or kennel as needed.

Keep 'em busy. Provide activities and stimulation for your dog, such as regular walks, visits to parks, and lots of toys to keep them busy. This will help with behavior and may eliminate any risk of your dog being destructive to belongings or your home.

Address problems early. If you notice issues such as chewing, this could be a sign of boredom. Identify problematic behaviors early so that you can change the way that you interact with your pet and resolve these issues.

Consider a crate. Make sure to invest in a crate for your dog so that he has a safe, protective place to hide out when feeling stressed or anxious. This only takes a little while for the dog to acclimate to, and it could help when housebreaking your pet. This is also the safest place for your dog when you are not at home or are unable to supervise him.

Spend quality time together. The best way to bond with your newly adopted dog is through play. Invest in a couple of durable toys that you can use to keep your dog active, which will have a direct impact on behavior. A bored dog can be a naughty dog!

Benefit from others' experiences. Talk with veterinarians, shelters, and other pet owners for support and advice when it comes to training your pet. It may be prudent to enroll your dog in obedience school or classes for basic commands if you are a novice owner.

Help your new pet adjust to living in your home by using these seven strategies. Don't wait to find a vet that you can use for routine procedures and health needs as well as someone that you can call when emergencies arise. With some time, your dog will make the transition to your home and become a beloved member of your family!

For more information, contact professionals like Marquette Animal Hospital.
