Three Things To Know About Sweet Treats And Your Pooch

Posted on: 21 September 2016

The arrival of fall brings chilly nights, cozy outfits, and a plethora of sweet treats. Between the buckets of Halloween candy and dishes full of our favorite seasonal treats, your pooch may beg you for a taste. Before giving your dog a sugary sample, take a moment to inform yourself about the dangers of sharing candy with your canine companion.

1. Sugar Is a No-No for Dogs

Even if your dog gives you sad puppy eyes, don't share your candy with him. The high amount of sugar can cause intestinal distress, resulting in vomiting or diarrhea. Sugar consumption, even in minute amounts, may also result in tooth decay or metabolic changes.

When consumed by humans, candy is lacking in nutrients. This is also true for dogs; it just doesn't have anything in it to help your dog maintain an optimal health. Swap the sugary bite for a high quality chew bone packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

2. Certain Types of Candy Are Deadly

Some dogs are curious and like to eat anything they can find. One of the most common causes of poisoning in dogs is the accidental ingestion of chocolate candy, as even a small amount can be toxic to dogs.

If you think your dog has consumed chocolate, check the ingredients. Dark chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate due to the higher amount of methylxanthines (a deadly chemical).  In general, white chocolate is the least deadly type of chocolate, while baker's chocolate is the most dangerous.

Another ingredient to watch out for is xylitol. Xylitol is commonly found in sugar free candy and gum. It affects the dog's blood sugar, leading to liver failure or even death.

Wrappers from the candy are another consideration. If your dog eats an entire piece of wrapped candy, the wrapper can block his digestive system. Emergency surgery is required to remove the wrapper.

3. Smaller Dogs Are More Susceptible to Accidental Poisoning

If a small dog and a large dog consume the same amount of chocolate, the small dog is more likely to suffer from poisoning. The reason is simple; the dog's lower body weight means that his body has a higher concentration of chemicals. This makes it essential for you to immediately take your pint-sized pooch to an emergency vet clinic like Animal Emergency Clinic.

If fall is one of your favorite times of the year; make sure that your canine friends are able to enjoy the season by informing yourself about the dangers of candy. Even a small amount can have deathly consequences. Play it safe and stick to chew bones.
