
  • Symptoms Of A Flea Infestation

    Any time spent outdoors, whether its in the backyard, walking around the neighborhood, or going on hiking adventures, can lead to your dog getting a flea infestation. These bloodsucking pests are more than a discomfort, they can lead to skin irritation, allergic reactions, or even anemia in severe cases. Knowing the symptoms of an infestation can help you know when you need to get it under control before it leads to major health problems. [Read More]

  • Eight Things Not To Forget When You Build Your Dog's First Aid Kit

    Having a first aid kit for your dog is as smart as having one for the humans in your household. You can ask your veterinarian about what to include, such as emergency pet meds and dressings for wounds. But here are eight more things you should add that you might not think about right away. 1. Something to Make Pills Easier to Take You may have all the right medications to administer to your pet at your vet's advice, but getting a dog to take a pill is another story. [Read More]

  • What To Do When Your Cat Has Bloody Ears

    Seeing your cat stroll into the room with blood-encrusted ears can be an alarming experience, but the last thing you should do for your furry friend is panic. In many cases, you may be more stressed out about the situation than your cat itself. By acting quickly to get your cat medical attention and understanding the possible causes behind bloody ears, you can prevent an emergency and help treat the underlying condition making your cat so uncomfortable. [Read More]

  • 3 Common Signs Of Heart Disease In Your Dog

    When it comes to your pet's health, be aware that they can suffer from many of the same ailments which humans do. Heart disease can affect your dog in very salient ways, and it pays to be aware of some of the symptoms of heart disease are. Read on and discover just a few of the common signs of heart disease in your dog. Make sure to pay vigilant attention and note if any of these signs are occurring on a regular basis. [Read More]

  • What To Consider When Choosing A Veterinarian For Your Puppy

    Now that you've decided to bring a new puppy into your household, it's important to find a reliable veterinarian to care for him as he ages. It's a good idea to schedule consultations with a few potential caregivers before choosing which one to work with long-term. Here are a few things to consider when comparing veterinarians and deciding who is likely to provide you and your dog with top-notch service: [Read More]

  • 3 Tips To Cut Your Pet Expenses Regularly

    Pets are often as much a part of the family as any human. Many pet owners will treat their pets will the utmost care and only purchase the highest-quality food and get the best veterinarian care for them. Unfortunately, the cost of pet care continues to rise as each year passes. According to the American Pet Products Association, Americans will spend an estimated $62.75 billion in 2016 on their pets, which is more than a two billion increase from 2015. [Read More]

  • 3 Common Cat Health Issues

    Your beloved pet cat is most likely one of your primary concerns. That is why you should monitor his or her health closely and keep tabs on whether or not he or she should be taken to a veterinarian's office or an animal hospital. Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell if your cat is sick or not. Read on and discover just a few of the most common health related issues when it comes to your cat. [Read More]

  • What To Expect From Your Pet's Veterinary Exam

    If you're new to the world of pet owning, going on your first annual veterinary exam can be a scary experience. Luckily, there's nothing you need to worry about and you don't need to go into the experience "blind." Read on, and discover what you can expect from your beloved cat or dog's veterinary exam. Paw and Toenail Examination The vet in question should give your pet a thorough paw examination to make sure that his or her pads are healthy and have not suffered from any damage. [Read More]

  • 5 Signs Of A Medical Emergency In Cats

    As a pet owner, you want your cat to stay happy and healthy. One of the ways you can do this is by recognizing medical emergencies in cats. When you recognize an emergency, you should take your cat to a veterinarian or a veterinary hospital. Here are five signs of a cat medical emergency: 1. Urinary obstruction A urinary obstruction is a medical emergency in cats, and is one of the most serious types of emergencies. [Read More]

  • Adopting A Dog? Make It Easier With These Seven Strategies For A Successful Transition

    Adopting a dog is a wonderful experience, although it might not always be a smooth transition. There are some ways to ensure that your new four-legged family member settles in nicely with the family's schedule. These tips can also help nip behavioral issues in the bud before they wreak havoc in the home: Adopt a schedule. Dogs will adapt to your schedule and a routine when you are consistent. The more regular you are about feeding, walking, and sleeping times, the better the dog will transition to your home. [Read More]