5 Signs Of A Medical Emergency In Cats

Posted on: 4 August 2016

As a pet owner, you want your cat to stay happy and healthy. One of the ways you can do this is by recognizing medical emergencies in cats. When you recognize an emergency, you should take your cat to a veterinarian or a veterinary hospital. Here are five signs of a cat medical emergency:

1. Urinary obstruction

A urinary obstruction is a medical emergency in cats, and is one of the most serious types of emergencies. If your cat has an untreated obstruction, this can lead to death. However, this condition may be difficult to recognize. Here are symptoms to watch for:

  • Peeing outside the litter box
  • Peeing in unusual places
  • Peeing small amounts of urine
  • Meowing while urinating
  • Excessive licking of genital area, tail, or hind legs

2. Heatstroke

Cats can get heatstroke when they're left in their carrier for extended periods of time in hot weather, especially if they're left in the car. Heatstroke symptoms aren't as obvious in cats so you need to pay attention to any change in behavior. You should also look for panting, distress, meowing, sleepiness, and wet fur. If your cat has signs of heatstroke, immediately wrap them in a cold, wet towel and take them to a veterinary clinic.

3. Persistent upset stomach

If your cat is vomiting or has diarrhea that doesn't go away, it's time to take them to a veterinarian. It's common for cats, especially if they're older, to vomit occasionally, even daily. However, vomiting several times a day isn't normal and indicates a possible emergency since cats get easily dehydrated.

4. Stroke

Cats can suffer from strokes just like people. The earlier you recognize the stroke, the sooner you can take your cat to the vet and find out the cause of the stroke. Here are the signs of a stroke in cats:

  • Tilting of the head
  • Loss of balance. Can cause walking in circles
  • Falling or stumbling while walking
  • Trouble closing eyes or mouth
  • Messy eating or drinking
  • Excessive drooling
  • Rolling of the eyes

5. Gum discoloration

Cats should have healthy, pink gums. Any type of discoloration may indicate a possible veterinary emergency. Pale gums could mean that your pet has a life-threatening condition. Some of these conditions include internal bleeding, anemia, and decreased blood circulation due to a heart condition. To confirm that your cat's gums aren't getting enough blood flow, simply press your finger against the gums. If there is enough blood flow, color should return to the area within seconds of taking your finger away.

These are signs to look for that indicate your cat has a medical emergency and needs to see a veterinarian right away.
